Frazer Chewings Fescue

Frazer is a new variety of chewings fescue developed by using repetitive cycles of mass selection. The parental clones exhibited excellent turf quality, dark genetic color, as well as high plant vigor, turf persistence, and disease resistance.

Frazer has excellent springtime green-up, growth, and color development. This variety can also be relied upon for its resistance to many diseases including leaf spot, blotch, anthracnose, powdery mildew, red thread, dollar spot, and rust.

Frazer has been a solid performer over a large geographical area, and does not require large amounts of water and fertilizer to grow. This variety has been shown to thrive under low maintenance areas in golf course roughs, roadside turf, parks, and home lawns. Frazer can be relied upon to provide an excellent turf either alone or in lawn mixtures.

– Excellent winter green-up
– Good tolerance to shade
– Low maintenance

Henry Hard Fescue

Henry Hard Fescue was developed over a 10 year period by a repetitive process of mass selection, using all elite parental clones. These clones exhibited excellent vigor, persistence, disease resistance, and overall performance.

This hard fescue variety is an aggressive grower, and the establishment of turf mixes are greatly enhanced by its addition. Henry has a medium-dark green color, equal to Warwick & Aurora, both highly respected varieties. Henry’s turf density is equal to the 10 best hard fescue varieties. The early spring green-up is outstanding, with rapid early season turf growth. This variety of hard fescue was bred for toughness, and low maintenance turf requirements.

Henry has strong resistance to major hard fescue diseases such as leaf spots and blotches, powdery mildew, red thread, dollar spot, and stem rust. It can be relied on to provide years of high quality, disease free, and low maintenance turf.

– Great option for shaded areas
– Low water and fertilizer needs
– Dark green turf

Silverlawn Creeping Red Fescue

Silverlawn is a strong creeping red fescue developed using a program of mass selection in large, intermated populations over repeated cycles of selection.

It was developed from selections of open- pollinated derivatives, and local ecotypes of unknown pedigree from old turfs collected in New York, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. Selection criteria included field vigor, leafiness, plant color, leaf spot resistance, and seed yield.

Silverlawn has show adequate turf performance across a vast range of locations, and environments, and is intended for use in permanent turf for home and commercial use.

– Exception Shade Tolerance
– Beautiful Dark Green Color
– Improved Disease Resistance


Bentgrass is a fine turf-grass used in special applications, due to the very small plant size compared to other grasses. Colonial Bentgrass is mostly exported for special turf purposes, while Creeping Bentgrass is widely regarded as the best variety for golf course putting greens.

Perennial Ryegrass

Perennial ryegrass is the most popular species of grass seed for turf. It provides a permanent turf in northern climates, and in southern climates it is used to over seed dormant Bermuda grass to provide year-round green color. This grass establishes quickly and is very durable.

Lawn Mixtures

Our premium lawn mixtures are designed to be an all-purpose mix that you are sure to be pleased with. They are prefect for establishing your lawn, repairing bare spots, and reseeding.

Lawn & Turf Tips

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Honoring the past, Ioka is named from a Chinook Indian word meaning “a thing of loveliness” or “a cherished piece of land noted for its beauty, health, and fertility”.