From proven seed blends for forage, cover crops, and lawn to custom blends with your specifications, we’re happy to help meet your goals or advise you on your needs.
Winter Forage Mix
A blend of winter rye, winter oats and common vetch. Perfect for grazing or as a winter cover crop. Nitrogen fixing, biomass builder, quality forage. Seed in the fall at 70-100lbs/acre depending on required density and application. To terminate, plow down in the spring before seed head emergence. Do not allow to it to set seed. Best suited for the Pacific Northwest.
Premium Pasture Mix
Our Premium Pasture mix consists of orchardgrass, tall fescue, and festulolium. Grazing animals love this, and with different maturities, you have something consistently growing in your pasture. Excellent palatability, endophyte free, suitable for all livestock. This mix also works well for hay production. Seed 25lbs/acre if drilling, 30lbs/acre if broadcasting.
Horse Pasture Mix
This mix combines tall fescue, timothy, orchard grass, Italian ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and festulolium and is recommended for equine pastures. Seed 25lbs/acre if drilling, 30lbs/acre if broadcasting.
Forage Ryegrass Mix
This mix combines annual ryegrass, perennial ryegrass, and Italian ryegrass. Ideally suited for hay production. Seed 25lbs/acre if drilling, 30lbs/acre if broadcasting.
5221 Mix
This mix consists of select PGG cultivars including Hunter Leaf Turnip, Graza Fodder Radish, Tonic Plantain, and Choice Chicory, intended for longevity and enhanced total dry matter production. The herbs will persist through summer providing high yields of palatable feed. The brassicas give quick and abundant feed, with high digestibility, energy and protein. Together they extend cool season quality and increase animal performance. Spring or Fall plant, alone and with ryegrass and cereals. Seed 10lbs/acre.
Wildlife Forage Mix
This mix consists of select PGG cultivars, including grass, clovers, brassicas, and herbs. It has staggered maturity, persistence, and high digestibility. Winter and summer growth perfect for elk, deer, upland birds, turkeys, and pigs. Seed 20lbs/acre.
Winter Cover Crop Mix
A blend of winter rye, winter oats and common vetch. Perfect as a winter cover crop. Nitrogen fixing, biomass builder, and erosion control. Seed in the fall at 70-100lbs/acre depending on required density and application. To terminate, plow down in the spring before seed head emergence. Do not allow it to set seed. Best suited for the Pacific Northwest.
21 Mix
This mix consists of Graza Radish and Ethiopian Cabbage, perfect for achieving biofumigation, helping with soil compaction, and producing high biomass. It has been used in potatoes, vegetable row crops, vineyards, flower bulb & seed farming, and organic farm rotations. Seed 5-10lbs/acre in April-June, giving 40+ days of growing time. Before flowering, make multiple passes with shredding implement. Incorporate immediately into the soil. The next crop can be planted in 10-12 days post-incorporation.
Driverow Mix
This mix consists of perennial ryegrass and creeping red fescue that is sod forming, helping with erosion control, mud, and heavy traffic. It is low growing, and drought and wear tolerant It helps with reducing dust and endures close mowing. Seed 25-50lbs/acre. Let grass fully establish before use. Perfect for orchards and vineyards.
Vinemate Mix
This mix consists of Gala Brome, Tonic Plantain, and Henry Hard Fescue, perfect for Vineyard and Nursery cover cropping. It is low growing, low maintenance, and deep rooted. This mix helps with reducing compaction, supporting traffic, and improving water infiltration. Seed 25lbs/acre.
Sun & Shade Grass Blend
A mix of perennial ryegrass, Frazer chewings fescue, and Silverlawn creeping red fescue. Good tolerance to shade, excellent color, minimal water required, low growing height. Best suited for the Pacific Northwest. Great for overseeding. Seed 5-10lbs/1,000 sq ft. Available in 10lb, 25lb, and 50lb bags.
Perennial Ryegrass Blend
A blend of perennial ryegrasses ideal for renovating poor areas. Exhibits wear tolerance, has an attractive color, and suppresses weeds. Quick to establish. Seed 5-10lbs/1,000 sq ft. Available in 25lb bags.
Honoring the past, Ioka is named from a Chinook Indian word meaning “a thing of loveliness” or “a cherished piece of land noted for its beauty, health, and fertility”.