Subsoiler, loosen topsoil, pest fighter, nitrogen scavenger, soil builder, erosion control, weed fighter, quick growth, lasting residue, mildly drought and shade tolerant, allelopathic

Cereal Rye

Nitrogen scavenger, rapid growth, fibrous roots, excellent source of residue, weed and pest suppressant, excellent companion crop planted with legumes


Erosion control, scavenger of potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus, “cash and cover” crop, weed suppresser once established, soil builder and organic matter source


Higher biomass than wheat and rye, good growth in cooler temperatures, prevents leaching of Nitrogen, soil builder, long lasting residue


Deep and fibrous roots, nutrient recycler, suppresses weeds thru moisture absorption, abundant biomass improves soil structure and water infiltration, nurse crop for forage or legume stand, pest suppression

Annual Ryegrass

Extensive soil-holding root system, weed suppressor when mixed with legumes or other grasses, high nitrogen user, nurse crop for legumes


Ample biomass, scavenges potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus, quick to germinate smother crop, nurse crop for legumes, spring green manure or companion crop

Tall Fescue

Drought resistant, erosion control, great for high traffic areas from heavy equipment and grazing, cool-season, deep-rooting, sod-forming, excellent for reclamation projects, endophyte free

Fine Fescue

Cool-season, winter dormant, low moisture and fertilizer needs, salt tolerant, fair tolerance to traffic, erosion control


Heavy nitrogen contribution, reduces water runoff and penetration, early weed suppression, good with grains for additional weed control and longer-lasting residue


Cash crop fertility, quick growing, biomass and green manure source, nitrogen fixation, weed control, soil conditioner, attracts beneficial insect

*There are many varieties of clover with different attributes. Consult your seed representative to help you pick the best clover for your needs.


Builds organic matter, nitrogen fixing tap root, prevents soil compaction, erosion control, improves soil structure, weed control, large biomass producer


Erosion control from wind and water, great for wildlife, tolerant of many soil types, nitrogen fixation

Faba Beans

Nitrogen fixation, winter hardy, shade tolerant, weed suppressant, deep rooted

Field Peas

Bountiful biomass, top nitrogen producer, moisture-efficient, quick growing


Subsoiler, loosen topsoil, pest fighter, nitrogen scavenger, soil builder, erosion control, weed fighter, quick growth, lasting residue, mildly drought and shade tolerant, allelopathic


Alleviate soil compaction, improve water infiltration, erosion control, nitrogen scavenger, pest and weed control, deep tillage


High biomass, rapid growth, nitrogen capturing, alleviates soil compaction, choke weeds, subsoiler, allelopathic, loosen topsoil, somewhat heat tolerant, soil builder, erosion control


Suppresses nematodes and weeds, drought tolerant, loosen topsoil, allelopathic, great biofumigation potential

Ethiopian Cabbage

Quick germination and maturity, biofumigant, drought and heat tolerant, significant biomass, reduce soil erosion


Quick cover, weed suppressor, phosphorus scavenger, thrives in poor soils, quick regrowth, soil conditioner, nectar source

Cow Peas

Weed smothering biomass, quick green manure, attracts beneficial insects, good companion crop, low moisture needs, easy to establish

Sorghum Sudan

Biomass producer, subsoil aerator, weed suppressor, nematode and disease fighter, renews “farmed-out” soils, widely adapted, drought resistant


Green manure source, soil-borne diseases and weed suppression, quick cover, ample biomass, erosion control, easy to establish


Large amounts of organic matter, cycles nutrients, suppresses weeds, deep roots loosen soil, catch crop for excess nitrogen, reduces nematode populations, grows quickly

Honoring the past, Ioka is named from a Chinook Indian word meaning “a thing of loveliness” or “a cherished piece of land noted for its beauty, health, and fertility”.