Ioka Farms is a full service turf and forage seed production operation. Encompassing over 5,000 acres, Ioka produces many varieties of grass, clover, brassicas, small grains and meadowfoam for seed, as well as hazelnuts. Additional contract production is done through Ioka Marketing to help meet market demands and sales.

PRODUCTION OPPORTUNITIES: Ioka Farms has long-standing relationships with other companies to contract produce seed and the majority of crops grown are of certified, proprietary material. We specialize in fine fescue seed production, a cool season grass perfectly suited for growing in the Cascade Foothills. Ioka Marketing also provides contract production for the surrounding area.

FARMING PRACTICES: Ioka Farms utilizes various applications such as rotation of annual and perennial crops, no-till planting, cover cropping, and drip irrigation. These practices help with soil structure and erosion, pest and disease management, weed control, utilization of nutrients, crop stand quality, and water conservation.

CROPS: Ioka Farms started as a small hog, turkey, and cattle farm, and has since transitioned into primarily a grass seed production operation. Ryegrass, tall fescue and fine fescues are rotated with specialty crops such as clover, brassicas, small grains, and meadowfoam. Diversification continues as we add acres of hazelnut trees to meet a growing demand and utilize more disease resistant varieties than those we grew years ago.
Honoring the past, Ioka is named from a Chinook Indian word meaning “a thing of loveliness” or “a cherished piece of land noted for its beauty, health, and fertility”.